Thursday, February 19, 2009

spinal tap anyone?

so, im on here now because my mom reads this thing religiously and complained that I had not updated it recently. I've been sick lately and there's not much to talk about. But let me tell you I now have this bump on my left hand near my wrist bone. I think there is something growing in my arm. It doesn't hurt or anything, but man I do have to worry a little bit about something growing that shouldn't be there. Mom says I should hit up a doctor.... however, seeing as how I have no health insurance at the moment, I do not think a doctor will be in the future plans anytime soon. hahah, I love having no real job. Haha. So I gues for now I'll let it keep growing and we'll see how big it gets.

Oh, on a separate note I spoke with another friend today was recently made unemployed. Tough times. I have a bunch of friends facing some serious problems with employment. For all of you, you're in my thoughts and prayers and soon enough I'll be joining all of you on the unemployment market. Haha. But my buddy mentioned that we can go get medical tests done for some quick cash. Spinal tap = $4000. 15 minutes of hell for some serious money doesn't sound too bad at the moment. Any takers?


Krista & Tyler said...

Uh, you probably should pay to get looked at-Just hit up a clinic and the actual appointment isn't too expensive. If they want to run tests, that's when it'll get expensive, so you could just go for a consultation.
A spinal tap?! Yah the freak right. Those things suck. But for that much money? That'd pay for an entire semester's tuition-where do I sign up?

MeganandClaudy said...

if it makes you feel any better my mom started getting a growth by her wrist and she went to the doctor and he said it was just a harmless I'm sure yours is the same :)

SARIE said...

chick flick quotes are the best! haha. well I dont think I am going to be getting a spinal tap anytime soon, but I hope you get better and I char and I still want to come I just couldn't get out something this morning or tomorrow. but we were talking april ...

Ty Roney said...

dude spinal taps are crazy! what if you get paralyzed?! Let's start a business instead!