Friday, October 30, 2009


i have been wanting to write for awhile now, but have been absolutely lost as to how to organize my thoughts.
Nate moved the other week to Denver for work. For lack of a better word, I would describe Nate as the patriarch of our crew. A little older than the rest of us, with some life experiences that have shaped him into a truly stand-up individual, he has been a great friend to all of us. My only regret is that I did not meet Nate earlier. I was sad to see him leave. I know he has been an influence for good in my life.
It was sad/weird saying good-bye but of course you can't shed tears when everyone is around....
So I waited.
I wasn't upset about Nate leaving as much as what it meant.....
Things are really changing.
I couldn't help but think, what's next? Who am I going to have to say good-bye to next?

It turns out I'm going to have to say good bye to everyone.
I'm leaving now (and by now, I mean November 9)
I don't really want to describe everything that went into the decision-- this move is one of necessity-- and I know that it is for the best.
But-- it doesn't make it easier.
My life is here. Everything is here.
Moving to Washington D.C. will allow me to be with my immediate family while I find work, but other than that I will be completely alone.



Krista & Tyler said...

Congrats :)

Peter Pan is finally growing up, in the best of ways - you'll do great. Family will be a great strength, and Peter Pan always needed a mommy!

ps: Tyler says that the only thing wierder is if Tyson had a girlfriend.

pss: We might come out east for Spring Break. Want to play then?

ashley said...

it'll be great! don't sweat it. actually it might suck for the first month...but then it'll just get better than you could IMAGINE. at least our friendship won't change:) haha!