Wednesday, April 8, 2009

honeymoon with my brother....

I just finished reading a book titled “Honeymoon with My Brother.” I bought the book because my boss Tom mentioned it in a meeting last week. He described his friend Franz Wisner, the author, as a man who had everything, lost it and set out to travel the world with his brother. I set a goal this year to read 24 books, two books a month. This was number eight. Easily the best book I have read in a long time. I don’t care if you hate reading, you should read it.

Here’s a snippet from the close of the book:
“A friend e-mailed me during our stop in Cambodia. He wanted to know if the country was suitable for children. Absolutely, I responded, feeling it would be beneficial for kids to see their counterparts playing happily in front of one-room tin-roof shacks. They could learn a lot from the poor. So could their parents. I know I have.”

I have read many times about the conditions of poverty in other countries. I have seen the pictures of the starving children. And I have heard the stories of the people who despite facing a life-long uphill struggle smile at the beginning of each day.

This post was originally going to be a bitter diatribe about how unfair life is and how I want to just leave everything behind and travel the world. About how I want to experience the things I have read and seen pictures of.

How selfish.

I was born in a country that allows me many freedoms. Most importantly, the freedom to practice my religion. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure. He has many things in store for me, but at the moment, traveling is not one of them. I will travel someday, I know it. But at this very moment there are things I need to do with my life to be of service here, both in and out of the Church. And there are things I need to do with my life to help prepare me to raise a family.

Raise a family? Me?

I’ll never be ready for that. Ever. But I have put off preparing myself for it long enough.

So, what am I going to do? Great question. I’m still waiting for the Lord to keep open the doors that need to stay open and to close the doors that need to close.

What’s open right now?
*Grad school (at least until I meet with Sister Walton and get her advice)
*SchoolTipline (As long as we can work out the salary I asked for)
*SecurityOne (as long as I can sell in LA)
*Possibly the Chevron project Tom is arranging.
*Kristin (although who knows how long that will last if she keeps reading my candid posts
to this blog)

Doors recently closed?
*Around the world trip involving the selling of all my possessions
*Hannah (A tender mercy of the Lord)
*Dental equipment sales in Ventura

So I have no idea what’s going to happen. The next few weeks will be interesting to say the least. But I’m making sure that I let the Lord take the reins on this one. I will move forward towards the open doors until he shuts them and guides me somewhere else.


Krista & Tyler said...


Sarah said...

If you wait until you're ready you'll never do it because you'll never feel ready. Once you feel mature enough, you feel you won't be financially stable enough, and once you get to that point, something else will get in the way. That's life.

Holly said...

You sound like a good person to ask, I need a new book, any suggestions? Sounds like you are really enjoying l.a. Maybe I'll see you at graduation, assuming you will be walking with the good old comms department.

Holly said...

Thanks for the suggestions! By the way my boyfriend read Outliers and he loved it, just so you know!