Tuesday, April 28, 2009

swine flu?

Dang, I feel like crap. Yesterday morning I woke up and I could barely swallow. My throat hurt so bad. Now it's pretty much spread everywhere. My throat hurts, my body is weak, and I'm congested. Lame. Is it possible I have this new crazy flu going around? Haha, Actually I think that'd be pretty tight to be the first case here in Utah. I wonder what it's like being in quarantine. It can't be too bad.
As for now I'm in my own little personal quarantine which involves; me, a lot of orange juice, and High School Musical 2 & 3. Haha. Love it.


Melanie said...

swine flu, whine flu...you're just LOVESICK!

Karlie Hancock said...

I'm going to stalk your blog too now.. he he he

Hope you get feeling better though!

Kourtney Aldous said...

Yay High School Musical!! I knew you'd fall in love with it eventually...

Sarah said...

Happy graduation! Congrats!