Thursday, January 7, 2010

ever present question.

The ever present question in my life right now is :

What career path should I take?

Luckily, I am not alone. Countless college graduates are wondering the same thing.

To pass the time and put a little money in my pocket I am now a freelance writer for Demand Studios. I just published my first article with them about the "Average Cost of Air Conditioning in America" - LAME.

Career path? WRONG.

My ideal path? Teaching.

I had begun looking into what would be required to do the alternative teaching licensing program so that I could be a high school journalism teacher.

However, I was reminded last night that a teachers salary is not nearly as impressive as my potential earnings should I return to school, get my masters degree in PR and subsequently pursue a corporate position.

Blah blah blah.

Yes - I realize that.

If I was only concerned with myself then this would be an easy decision. I could teach, live relatively cheap throughout the year and then really enjoy my nice summer breaks! Oh man - so IDEAL! But I am well aware that this is a decision that will impact my future wife and family. So I should probably factor them into the equation. I want to be able to provide a comfortable way of life. *However, do not confuse 'comfortable' with 'rich'.

My biggest fear is that I will not be able to provide my family with what they need/want and thus every day ends with me looking in the mirror and seeing failure incarnate. I would gladly choose single life over that kind of personal living hell.

So - I'm kind of stuck at the moment.


Angela S said...

I wouldn't back off teaching because of the money. I know in the beginning the money will be much lower BUT there are plenty of teachers who are able to provide for their families. Do what you love and be frugal.

ashley said...

you won't work a day in your life if you do what you love...and you'll be good at it. the Lord will provide.

Kailynn Cooper said...

And living in a state where teachers get better pay is always an option! I'm trying to get a teaching position right now too....